Open Enrollment: Tips for Maximizing Sales & Guiding Clients

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Open enrollment is an opportunity to increase sales and improve your relationship with key clients. Become the broker every client dreams of working with by providing exceptional service and strategy. Here are four tips for brokers looking to maximize sales and assist clients this open enrollment season.


1.    Learn Employer Pain Points and Strategize to Eliminate Them
Eliminating the pain points that caused frustration for your clients last year during open enrollment is an excellent idea, especially for brokers who want to be indispensable. Focus on eliminating the pain points that make things difficult for your clients as well as those that limit sales. Contact them and ask about these points early. Then devise a strategy to minimize or eliminate them and present your plan before open enrollment. 

2.    Encourage Employers to Implement Active-Enrollment
One way to increase sales is to work with your clients on creating an active open enrollment. This means all employees must re-apply for their health plan. Active open enrollment presents an opportunity for employers to market the plans they’d like more workers to enroll in such as an HSA-Qualified HDHP.  This tactic has the potential to boost sales and force workers to more closely re-examine their needs.

3.    Communicate the Benefits of Consumer Driven Healthcare Plans and Clarify Misconceptions 
More and more companies are looking for ways to manage their bottom line. Consumer driven healthcare plans are one way to do that. In fact, at least four out of ten companies are offering only HDHPs.1 Presenting options and clarifying misconceptions about these plans will encourage employers and employees to opt for them. This year, one of the best HSA products to push is the revolutionary Ready for Life HSA. Offering a built-in payroll advance, it protects workers from the unexpected, and much more. 

4.    Encourage Employers to Push Their Wellness Programs During Open Enrollment
Workplace wellness programs are among the top benefits to offer in 2018. As more employees look for companies with excellent benefits, a workplace wellness program is an excellent way to attract and retain top talent. It’s also an excellent way to manage healthcare costs—the more employees participate in preventative health, the less your clients spend on healthcare. 

Presenting programs that help employees stay healthy is also an excellent way to promote consumer driven healthcare plans. Though HDHPs aren’t necessarily for individuals who infrequently use their health benefits, many workers will opt for these plans if they don’t intend to use all their healthcare benefits. A wellness program may make them feel more confident in their decision to elect an HSA-Qualified HDHP. Showing employers how to promote their wellness program during open enrollment also opens the door to discuss additional benefit programs like the Clarity Benefits Solutions Commuter Benefits Plan.

Prepare Now
It’s best for employers to prepare as early as possible for open enrollment. Brokers need to begin preparing even earlier. Reach out to your clients and learn how you can help them address their pain points. This act of good will can strengthen your relationship and present a key opportunity for you to maximize sales.
